Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times
Rick Renner
The Gifts & Callings of God
Increase your understanding of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and how they work together to carry out God's will. Respected Bible teacher and pastor Bob Yandian teaches you sound Biblical understanding of the Gifts and callings of God and how they should work together in your life.
Break the Devil’s Grip on the World
Start a chain reaction to stop Hell’s economy from taking root in your family! Internationally respected Bible teachers Rick Renner and Joseph Z reveal how to break the devil’s grip on the world’s systems that are around you.
Restoring Peace of Mind in America
Despite what everything happening in the world today, the Bible gives us answers. Minister and evangelist Mario Murillo delivers a message that will ignite your spirit, calling you to embrace your faith and see God move in your life.
Anticipating Heaven: What to Expect from Heaven
What will happen when you go to Heaven? Dr Larry Ollison, well-respected senior pastor and minister, reveals what the Bible teaches about Heaven and what you’ll see on the day you’re reunited with your Savior.
How to Activate Angels: Unlocking God’s Warriors for Your Behalf
Angels are just waiting to be activated by the Body of Christ! Rick Renner, highly respected international Bible teacher and leader, joins Joseph Z to teach you how to activate angels in your own life and release them on your behalf.
Discover Your New Nature
When you were born again, your nature changed. Bible teacher and minister Andrew Wommack reveals the importance of acting on this new nature to avoid falling Satan’s trap.
How to Heal the Sick in Jesus’ Name
Have you desired to lay your hands on the sick and see them be healed? After seeing the multitudes healed, pastor Rick Renner reveals the secrets he learned from Scripture so you can see the sick healed in Jesus’ Name!
Prayer That Moves Heaven
The Word shows us how to live in your God-given identity. Respected teacher, minister, and author Andrew Wommack encourages you how to believe and receive what you already have in Christ.
The Secret Place: Entering into His Presence Every Day
Want to hear God’s voice more than ever before? Kellie Copeland, daughter of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, shares her own life-changing heart journey of drawing closer to God and learning to discern His voice and promises for one's life.
5 Ways the Devil Operates
Understanding how the devil operates gives you the advantage over him! Rick Renner, internationally respected Bible teacher and bestselling author, gives you fresh insight into 5 words that explain how the devil works.
You Won’t Believe What Andrew Wommack Said
If you want to see God move, you have to shift how you pray. Respected Bible teacher and minister Andrew Wommack shares powerful insights that will change your prayer life so you can see God's power throughout your nation.
How to Defeat False Anointings
Falsely anointed teachers can parade as holy, but they can manipulate you! Joseph Z, prophetic voice and Bible teacher, exposes false anointings and how to defeat these manipulative spirits.
Is America in Bible Prophecy?
In the church, there’s been much debate on America’s role in Bible Prophecy. Prophetic voice Joseph Z releases a powerful revelation about America’s role in Bible prophecy. PLUS a prophetic word about a “Springtime Intervention.”
The Cost of Total Healing
What happens when God’s power radically changes your life? Rick Renner, international Bible scholar and teacher, shows you how to claim your total healing!
Encountering the God of Abundance
Your Heavenly Father wants to bless you into overflow. Proliferate author and Bible teacher Andrew Wommack reveals God’s giving nature to bless you with more than enough—a God of Abundance!
Stopping Demonic Forces that Unleashed on America
You are living in the last days―a season where God is pouring out His Spirit upon believers. Prophetic voice and minister Annette Capps reveals the key to stopping demonic forces that have been released on America.
Hearing from Jesus Every Day
Jesus is inviting you to wrap your heart into His. Daughter of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland shares how Jesus longs to become saturated by His presence as He speaks to you directly.
Ultimate Last Days Timeline: The Rapture, Tribulation, & Jesus’ Return
In His Word, God gave us His timeline for the return of Jesus. But it can be hard to understand. Internationally recognized Bible teachers Rick Renner and Joseph Z breakdown the ultimate, step-by-step timeline for the End Times.
His Blood Frees! Find Freedom from Condemnation, Accusation & Guilt
No matter what you’re facing, there’s power in the Blood. Minister, teacher, and pastor Ginger Ziegler unearths the freedom you can find through the power of Jesus’ Blood.
Using Your Mouth as a Weapon
Speaking the right words will guarantee the right results. Rick Renner, internationally-respected Bible teacher and author, unearths how your mouth can be used as a weapon against the devil so he can't keep you from your destiny.