Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times
Rick Renner

Who Was the Naked Boy in Gethsemane? Jesus’ ‘I AM’ Released Resurrection Power
Jesus’ declaration as the Great “I AM” holds the power to shake the forces of darkness, overcome every obstacle, and release supernatural breakthroughs. Internationally respected Bible teacher Rick Renner uncovers the profound truths of Jesus’ authority, showing you how to embrace His power, stand in His promises, and experience life-transforming victory!

Prophetic Stars: Celestial Signs of the Messiah
The heavens proclaim the glory of God! International bestselling author and Bible scholar Rick Renner exposes traditional lies about the Star that declared Jesus’ birth. There’s so much more to Jesus’ story that most people miss!

The Angelic Invasion: The Significance of the Angelic Host at Bethlehem
Before Jesus became flesh, the angels couldn’t behold the face of God—their chief commander. Bestselling author, Bible teacher, and minister, Rick Renner teaches you the importance of the “multitude of the heavenly host” from Luke 2:13-14 and how that relates to our walk with Him.

7 Divine Purposes of Jesus: How They Empower You Today
“No ordinary person would state the things Jesus did about their reason for being on earth.” Drawing from 40 years of study, bible teacher Tony Cooke reveals the top 7 purposes of Jesus’ mission to earth and how it transforms your life today.

Jesus’ Most Important Tool: How to Live A Spirit-Empowered Life
Jesus took His last hours to introduce the disciples to the spiritual Partner who would become their new Teacher and Guide in the world. Bestselling author, apostle, and pastor Rick Renner teaches you how Jesus equipped you with the Helper.

How to Apply His Blood to Any Situation
What Michelle Steele learned about the blood of Jesus gave her supernatural freedom and confidence against the enemy. Drawing from firsthand experience, Pastor Michelle Steele shares how to defeat the devil through the power of Jesus' Blood.

Why Did God Choose Mary?
Ever wonder why God chose Mary? Internationally respected Bible teacher and minister Rick Renner reveals why Mary was chosen to bring the King of Kings into the world.

Why’d God Choose Joseph?
Why did God entrust His only begotten Son to Joseph? Bestselling author, minister and Bible teacher Rick Renner explains why Joseph was chosen to be the spiritual leader for Jesus.

Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace
Did you know Jesus is interceding on your behalf? Bible teacher, pastor and apostle Rick Renner reveals how you can partner with our Advocate and see the thing you're believing for come to pass.

At Jesus’ Death, Everything was Shaken
Miracles and wonders exploded when Jesus died on the cross. Through a lifetime of research, Dr. Leonard Hoffman reveals a deeper understanding of the signs of Jesus’ redemptive work on the cross.

Andrew Wommack: Who IS Jesus?
Just who IS Jesus really? Respected minister, author, and teacher Andrew Wommack reveals the true nature, being, and person who is Jesus so you can have a deeper relationship with the Son of Man!

Eric Metaxas: ‘You’ve NEVER Heard Christmas Told Like This’
New York Times Bestselling author and host of The Eric Metaxas Show Eric Metaxas interviews international Bible teacher, minister, and apostle Rick Renner to hear the Christmas story unlike anything you’ve ever heard. Full of stunning details and deeper revelation, Rick Renner’s Christmas—The Rest of the Story will deepen your understanding of Jesus’ birth and the greater depths of God’s redemptive plan.

Eric Metaxas: “I Never Knew that About Mary!”
There’s a part of the Christmas story that’s been forgotten. Eric Metaxas, talk-show host and bestselling author, interviews Rick Renner, exploring the deeper history of the Christmas story.

Bible Secrets of the Magi’s Gifts
Did you know the magi’s gifts were far greater and had prophetic meaning? Bestselling author, minister, and Bible teacher Rick Renner unearths the hidden details and meanings behind each of the treasures Jesus received, and how that ties into God’s plan for salvation.

Debunking Homeless Jesus & Other Myths
Religion has tricked many Christians into believing Jesus was a poor vagabond. Bible teacher and prophetic voice, Joseph Z reveals the truth behind these myths and how you can thrive in God’s supernatural economy.

The Sources of Jesus’ Income
Most Christians don't know that Jesus had at least 2 sources of income. Bible teacher and international prophetic voice, Joseph Z reveals these sources of income and empowers you to become financially blessed yourself.

Gethsemane: The Explosive Power of Jesus' Spoken Word
The tales those soldiers who came to arrest Jesus had heard about His power were correct. Of course, He really was strong enough to overcome an army. After all, He was the Great “I AM”!