Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times
Rick Renner

Operate in the Gifts of the Spirit: Answering God’s Call to Engage in His Fullness
“When Jesus left this earth and ascended into Heaven, he did not leave believers helpless.” Minister and former dean of Rhema Bible Training College Tony Cooke teaches you how to operate in the gifts of the Spirit, calling you to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Embrace Your Kingdom Identity NOW!
God never desired a religion. He sought a personal relationship with you! #1 USA Today bestselling author and Bible teacher Myles Munroe reveals how to rediscover the Kingdom of God and how you can step into your role as co-heirs with Jesus!

Dreams & Visions: Wisdom on Hearing God’s Prophetic Words
“Prayer is essential to fulfilling your vision.” Internationally recognized and respected Bible teacher, apostle, and pastor Rick Renner empowers you with timely wisdom on how to see the dreams and visions that God has for you come to life!

4 Types of Prophets: How the Holy Spirit Speaks to Each Calling
“Prophets are also called to a segment of the body of Christ or a specific territory.” Internationally respected prophetic voice, Bible teacher, and broadcaster Joseph Z reveals the full spectrum of prophetic assignments so you can cut through the widespread error, controversy, and deception.

The George Washington Prophecy: God’s Plan for America
What is the prophetic connection between George Washington and recent discoveries on his Mount Vernon Estate? Internationally respected prophetic voice Joseph Z reveals a powerful prophetic message, urging you to partner with God and the spiritual lesions in America’s founding story.

Born into Favor: Accessing the Benefits of God’s Kingdom & Transforming Your Situation
As a son or daughter of the Most High King, you are a citizen is part of an elite, privileged group. #1 USA Today bestselling author and pastor Myles Munroe reveals the benefits of your Kingdom resources so you can impact your situation with God’s abundance.

4 Ways Fresh Fire Transforms Your Spirit: How to Walk in Last Days Power
“The power of the Spirit is called for in times of crisis, compromise, and opportunity.” Nationally acclaimed evangelist Mario Murillo uncovers the four defining traits that emerge when the Holy Spirit falls on you.

Spirit-Led Prayer Strategy: Aligning Your Prayers with God’s Will for Prodigals
“When we pray with faith in God’s will to save, we pray with courage and expectation.” Prayer teacher and pastor Michelle Steele teaches you how to partner with the Holy Spirit and see your prayers transform the life of your prodigal!

Divine Decision-Making: Finding God’s Will in Everyday Choices
Decision-Making is an integral part of our daily lives. Prolific author and Vice President of Liberty University Elmer Towns unveils the biblical foundations for consulting with the Holy Spirit to make Godly decisions.

Jesus’ Kingdom Teachings: Practical Ways to Embrace Your Divine Mandate
“Jesus did not come to set up a religion. He came to establish an outpost of the Kingdom of Heaven.” #1 USA Today bestselling author and respected Bible teacher Myles Munroe reveals the practical ways that Jesus taught us how to walk in our Kingdom authority.

Sword of the Spirit: How to Pray with Holy Boldness and Authority
“To be effective in battle, the sword of the Spirit must be in your mouth.” Pastor and Bible teacher Michelle Steele equips you with the sword of the Spirit so your prayers cut through the devil’s lies and God’s will is done for you and your family.

Prophetic Dream: The Future of the Nation & A Call For Your Assignment
This is a call for all believers to rise, pay attention to the divine signs, and prepare for the prophetic fulfillment that is on the horizon. Prophetic voice and Bible teacher Joseph Z interprets this divine revelation, emphasizing the urgent need for spiritual awakening and alignment with God’s will.

Unleashing Heavenly Authority: Operate in Your Place in the Spiritual Realm
“Authority is the right to use power effectively, not because you could, but because you should.” #1 USA Today bestselling author and respected Bible teacher Myles Munroe teaches you how to use the Word of God to release everyday Kingdom victory.

Tragic Misuse of the Holy Spirit: A Cry for Deep Spiritual Renewal
“We are a Spirit-filled movement. We must go back and seek a fresh fire!” Bestselling author, minister, and evangelist Mario Murillo calls you experience a fresh renewal of the Spirit so you can experience God’s fullness.

Intervention Prayer: ‘Devil, You Can’t Have My Family!’
“God wants you to stay with your intervention praying until the job is done.” Pastor and Bible teacher Michelle Steele teaches you how stand against the powers of darkness and intercede for your family in prayer.

Pentecostal Power Hijacked—Reclaiming the Spirit from Powerless Christianity
“Squandering God-given resources is at the heart of what’s wrong with us.” Bestselling author, evangelist, and minister Mario Murillo equips you with the prophetic tools to reclaim the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit.

Prodigal Prayer: How to Release Your Faith & See Your Family Restored!
Your faith plays a major role in what God can do in your life and the life of those you love. Pastor and prayer teacher Michelle Steele teaches you proven strategies and tools to bring God's help for those you love.

Unlocking Divine Promises: How Your Consecration Fuels Revival in the Nations
The Lord is calling you and me today to a deeper place of consecration. What is your response? Minister and missionary Luke Loeber invites you to answer the call to see yourself transformed into the image of Jesus!

Prosper Against the Odds: How Your Faith Transforms Your Trials into Triumphs
“You’ve got to walk in faith and believe God is with you even when circumstances make it look like that’s not true.” Renowned Bible teacher and bestselling author Andrew Wommack reveals how your faith can transform your trials into triumphs.

C.S. Lewis on Jesus’ Power Over Science
Science can’t disprove God! Renowned theologian and respected author C. S. Lewis teaches on God’s authority over all His creation: even science.