Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times
Rick Renner

Overcome Any Obstacle! 3 Ways to Rise Above Your Circumstances & Unlock Victory
When it didn’t look like Joseph was prosperous or that God was with him, the Scripture says, “the Lord was with him” (Gen. 39:3). Drawing from the Old Testament Joseph, renowned Bible teacher and bestselling author Andrew Wommack teaches you 3 strategies to pursue God’s dreams for you despite whatever you’re facing.

Fulfill Your God-Given Destiny: Your Path to Discern & Embrace God’s Vision
To fulfill God’s plan for you, you need to discern what He has in store. Bestselling author, minister, and Bible teacher Andrew Wommack teaches you practical steps to discern, embrace, and fulfil your destiny so you can flourish.

Empowered by the Spirit: How Jesus Harnessed Holy Spirit Power & You Can Too!
If anyone ever understood the ministry of the Holy Spirit, it was the Lord Jesus Christ. Bestselling international author, apostle, and pastor Rick Renner teaches you how to partner with the Holy Spirit just like Jesus did!

Giving All To Christ
Are you struggling to face life’s circumstances? C. S. Lewis teaches you how to rely on Jesus’ strength and allow him to become your All in All.

Hidden End-Times Prophecy Found!
In 2 Timothy 3, Rick Renner discovered a hidden prophecy regarding the End Times from the Apostle Paul. With hope and guidance, learn how to navigate these tumultuous times with faith, discernment, and steadfastness.

Hacked Satellites Falling & Boeing 737 Issues!
What are the deeper meanings behind the alarming trend of hacked satellites and Beoing’s 737 issues? Prophetic voice and Bible teacher Joseph Z unearths profound insights into these events, emphasizing the importance of discernment and divine guidance in navigating these turbulent times.

The Holy Spirit’s Prophetic Role: Discerning the Future & Discerning God’s Voice
A significant part of the Holy Spirit’s ministry is to reveal details about future events. Internationally respected Bible teacher and pastor Rick Renner teaches you how to listen to the Holy Spirit’s prophetic whispers about your future so you can walk in confidence and faith.

Prophetic Dreams: How God Speaks in Your Sleep!
It’s a biblical fact that God speaks through dreams. Renowned Bible teacher and bestselling author Andrew Wommack teaches you the importance of listening to God through your dreams.

How to Make Your Prayers More Effective
Do you yearn to make your prayers more effective? Renowned Christian writer and theologian C. S. Lewis reveals how to position your prayers and see God move in your situation.

Are We Living in the Last Days?
What are the signs of the times in God’s prophetic timeline before Jesus’ Second Coming? Bestselling author, pastor, and apostle Rick Renner unravels the mysteries of the end times with clarity and conviction.

Lost Healing Secrets from Lilian B Yeomans’ Unpublished Teachings
Unpublished since the 1930s, these secrets—taught in the Aimee Semple McPherson’s Bible School—will help you walk in divine health. Renowned divine healing minister Lilian B. Yeomans shares scriptural secrets to experience the divine health God promises you in the Lord’s Prayer.

Comatose Man Awakens When He Hears This Scripture—The Power of The Word
This man had been in a coma for several weeks and his blood was septic before these 3 Words were spoken over him. Former chapel leader for the Minnesota Twins and ordained minister David McIver recounts the power of the Word that completely reversed a dying man’s diagnosis.

God’s Way of Prayer & Meditating
If every believer meditated in the Scriptures day and night, we would easily walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. Renowned Bible teacher and pastor Bill Winston teaches you how to pray and meditate in the Word with God’s ways.

The Price Is Paid in Full!
Jesus’ blood is greater than anything you’re facing. Minister and pastor, Ginger Ziegler encourages you to apply the Blood to your situation and defeat the devil!

C.S. Lewis: The Lie of Self Help
Many people struggle to find peace with self help. But that’s because it doesn't help at all! Master author, essayist, and theologian C.S. Lewis reveals how to receive satisfaction in your true self.

The Antichrist is On the Way!
Paul prophesied that in the last days that there would be a worldwide rebellion against the authority of God. Bestselling author, apostle, and pastor Rick Renner joins prophetic voice Joseph Z to reveal the signs that the Antichrist is coming, and coming soon.

Led by the Spirit: Following the Prompting of the Holy Spirit
Do you need God’s power to heal your body, rescue your loved one, or work a miracle in your finances? Minister and pastor Michelle Steele teaches you how to apply Holy Spirit’s direction and see God move in your situation.

Divine Healing & The Power of the Tongue
Throughout the Bible, we can see the power of speaking the Word of God over our situation. Renowned divine healing minister Lilian B Yeomans shares spiritual truths that help you partner with God’s healing power.

How to Apply His Blood to Any Situation
What Michelle Steele learned about the blood of Jesus gave her supernatural freedom and confidence against the enemy. Drawing from firsthand experience, Pastor Michelle Steele shares how to defeat the devil through the power of Jesus' Blood.

His Blood Protects! Declaring Divine Protection Over You & Your Family
If you activate Jesus' Blood, nothing can harm you. Minister, pastor, and teacher Ginger Ziegler empowers you with confessions that will paralyze the devil, leaving you untouchable.