Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times
Rick Renner
Why Did God Choose Mary?
Ever wonder why God chose Mary? Internationally respected Bible teacher and minister Rick Renner reveals why Mary was chosen to bring the King of Kings into the world.
Why’d God Choose Joseph?
Why did God entrust His only begotten Son to Joseph? Bestselling author, minister and Bible teacher Rick Renner explains why Joseph was chosen to be the spiritual leader for Jesus.
Waiting for Your Miracle: The Untold Secrets of Simeon and Anna’s Faith
By studying the examples of Simeon and Anna as they waited for the Messiah, we can learn what we need to do to prepare our hearts for Him. Rick Renner, international respected Bible scholar, teacher, and apostle, reveals the power of waiting for your miracle, just as Simeon and Anna waited for the Messiah.
7 Redemptive Names of Jesus: Unleashing the Healing Power of God
What are the methods God uses to heal? Drawing directly from the Bible, Pastor Bob Yandian teaches you how to release and receive the healing power of God.
Hell & Purgatory—What Does the Bible Say?
Few people today believe hell is a real place; even fewer believe anyone but the worst of all sinners are going there. Respected Bible teacher and bestselling author Andrew Wommack reveals the biblical truth about hell and purgatory.
Israel’s War: The Prophetic Signs of Ezekiel 38 Decoded
For the first time in thousands of years, nations that will come against Israel right after the Church is raptured are literally lining up and getting into position for the Ezekiel 38 War. Minister and host of End of Days Update Joseph Morris decodes the war against Israel described in Ezekiel 38, and how that relates to the rapture and Jesus’ return.
Power of His Blood—Comparing Jesus’ Blood vs. Adam’s Covenant
The vast scope of God’s redemptive plan lies hidden in the Adam’s Covenant. Kenneth Copeland and Greg Stephens unearth the redemptive power of Jesus’ Blood compared to any sin, so you can walk in the abundance His Blood provides you.
Receiving Tithe Blessings: How Your Tithe Blesses You Eternally
The faith and attitude behind your giving activates God's eternal blessing. Walking through Third John, respected pastor and minister Bob Yandian teaches you how God sees your tithe and the promises He'll give you.
Need Healing? 5 Proven Ways You Can See Healing Miracles Manifest
What must someone do to be healed and have divine health? Globally renowned healing minister and leader of the 20th century Pentecostal Movement John G Lake reveals the 5 proven and biblical ways to receive divine healing in your, or your loved one's, life.
40 Prosperity Scriptures: Stand on These Covenant Promises, Watch Your Faith Work
It is the perfect will of God—the Covenant perfect will of God—for you to prosper. Drawing from the blood Covenant captured in the Bible, Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens equip you with 40 biblical promises that will strengthen your faith and BLESS your finances during these troubled times.
Is Financial Blessing Promised to Us? What 3 John 2-3 Says
This verse has been twisted to teach that financial blessing is not really promised to you. Highly respected pastor and minister Bob Yandian reveals the truth about what the Bible promises about financial blessing.
Jesus’ Healings & Miracles in Matthew: Accessing His Heavenly Power
Some Christians are like the leper in Matthew 8: they know Jesus can heal then, but aren’t sure if He is willing. Bible teacher and pastor Bob Yandian teaches out of the Book of Matthew, revealing how God wants to heal everyone. That includes you!
The Gifts & Callings of God
Increase your understanding of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and how they work together to carry out God's will. Respected Bible teacher and pastor Bob Yandian teaches you sound Biblical understanding of the Gifts and callings of God and how they should work together in your life.
5 Steps to Not Being Deceived: How to Interpret the Bible Correctly
The Bible is being twisted and ignored in our culture. Pastor and evangelist Parker Green takes on the terrifying trend of twisting God's Word, giving you 5 sure steps to not be deceived by false teachers.
Why’d God Create Hell? Isn’t He Supposed to be Good?
Why would a loving God create such a horrible place like Hell? Joseph Z, prophetic voice and Bible teacher, unearths the secret truth and purpose behind Hell so you can understand the purposes of God and his angels.
7 Biblical Steps to Transform Your Mind
Philippians 4:6 commands us how to present our supplications and requests to God. Respected Bible teacher and leader Rick Renner reveals and teaches you how to defeat fear and worry no matter what your situation is. You have the victory!
Unlocking the Hidden Timeline of the New Testament
Looking a deeper understanding of God’s word? After studying the New Testament for over 30 years, Leonard Hoffman uncovered the hidden connections and gaps to offer you fresh perspective into God’s Word.
God is Calling & Equipping You
When God calls you, He will equip and prepare you to effectively complete your assignment on time. Rick Renner teaches you to call upon the promises of God to equip you for every situation He’s called you to.
At Jesus’ Death, Everything was Shaken
Miracles and wonders exploded when Jesus died on the cross. Through a lifetime of research, Dr. Leonard Hoffman reveals a deeper understanding of the signs of Jesus’ redemptive work on the cross.
Andrew Wommack: Who IS Jesus?
Just who IS Jesus really? Respected minister, author, and teacher Andrew Wommack reveals the true nature, being, and person who is Jesus so you can have a deeper relationship with the Son of Man!