Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times
Rick Renner

Unlock the Fullness of Salvation
Are you experiencing everything Jesus has provisioned for you? Bible teacher and healing evangelist Chad Gonzales gives you the keys to unlock everything that Jesus gave you when you first became saved.

Accessing Heavenly Abundance from Earth
You can access all of Heaven's abundance by speaking this prayer. Healing evangelist and Bible teacher Chad Gonzales reveals Jesus' key to accessing heavenly abundance and how you can use that abundance to fulfill your divine calling.

15 Prayers God Commands You to Pray
The Bible commands us to pray about these 15 specific things. Globally respected Bible teacher, minister, and bestselling author, Rick Renner reveals the 15 points that God calls every believer to pray about.

How Intercessory Prayer Gives Access into the Spirit Realm
When John received the book of Revelation, he entered the spirit realm. Pastor and minister David Binion teaches you how intercessory prayer brings you closer to God.

Why Your Prayers Aren’t Being Answered
Ever wonder why your prayers aren’t being answered? Andrew Wommack, respected author and Bible teacher, reveals why Christians today aren't seeing consistent answers to their prayers, and how to see God move in your life.

Jesus’ Resurrection Power Lives in You!
Speaker, content creator, and social media personality Gabe Poirot offers a fresh encounter with Jesus' resurrection power so you can walk in His anointing power.

Declare the Commanded Blessing Despite the Economy
God commands your blessing in spite of the troubled times! Ministers and teachers, Gloria Copeland and George Pearsons unlock the storehouses of wealth to be unleashed into your life today!

Harness the Power of Your Tongue
Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Respected Bible teacher, minister, and author Andrew Wommack equips you with biblical keys to speak life into your situation and come out victorious.

His Blood Speaks a Better Word
No matter what you’re facing, Jesus’ blood declares mercy over you! Minister and preacher Ginger Ziegler declares the truth and power of Jesus’ blood over you and your situation.

Powerful Prayers of Petition & Authority
In a world full of crisis, there’s a powerful way to respond: prayer! Highly respected teacher and leader, Rick Renner multiplies the effectiveness of prayer by teaching you the different types. Respond to your crises with the right prayer to get the right response from our God.

Demons are Manifesting During These Dates
There is an upcoming spiritual battle we need to be ready for. International prophetic voice and Bible teacher, Joseph Z exposes the enemy’s plan to manifest this upcoming month and empowers you to pray against him!

Decree This Over Negative Thoughts
Councilor and minister, Kylie Oaks-Gatewood teaches you how to decree positivity over your thoughts and cancel the enemy’s stronghold in your mind!

Empowering Your Children to Speak Powerful Decrees
Bestselling author and dynamic prophetic voice, Brenda Kunneman calls you to empower your children to spark the promises of God over their lives. Don’t settle for less! Fortify your children to receive the best God has for them.

God Rescued Me from Dead-End Alleys and Dark Dungeons
No stranger to anxiety and depression, internationally bestselling author, Germaine Copeland shares how she overcame her battle for mental health and how you can too!

I Prayed My Son Free of Drugs
Each day with my Bible, pen, and notebook, I read, cried, talked with the Holy Spirit. There in the inner chamber of prayer, I wrote letters to the Father…

The Power of the Spoken Word
In one of his most popular videos, Charles Capps expounds upon the concepts of faith…

The Depths of Depression: How Jesus Delivered Me
Jesus Himself appeared to me in a vision that cold January day to stop me from taking my own life…

Don’t Bow Your Knee to Satan, Wield Your Spiritual Authority!
When Adam bowed his knee to Satan, he lost his spiritual authority.

4 Tips for Ministering to Someone Struggling with Homosexuality
Here are some things to consider as you minister to someone struggling with homosexuality in your church or community.

A Prayer for Work Life Balance
Lord, I now know that You want me to take a break from this constant pace and learn to relax a little…