Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times
Rick Renner

Applying Faith to Live the Fullness of Your Destiny
Feel like you haven’t accessed everything the Bible promises? It’s time to activate your faith. Prophetic voice and minster Kerry Kirkwood teaches you how to live in the fullness of God’s power by applying His calling on your life.

Jesus Cares for Your Hurts: How Grace Heals Your Hurt
The Lord deeply cares for anyone who’s hurting. Sharing testimonies from their and others’ experience of hurt, worship leaders and ministers Charlie and Jill LeBlanc reveal the love heart of Jesus to care for hurting people and how you can feel that love.

Jesus’ Healings & Miracles in Matthew: Accessing His Heavenly Power
Some Christians are like the leper in Matthew 8: they know Jesus can heal then, but aren’t sure if He is willing. Bible teacher and pastor Bob Yandian teaches out of the Book of Matthew, revealing how God wants to heal everyone. That includes you!

Ablaze with the Holy Spirit!
For your spiritual fire to grow in intensity, you must add the fuel of the Holy Spirit to your flame. Internationally recognized Bible teacher and leader Rick Renner teaches you how to keep your inner man burning like a spiritual inferno!

How Your Faith Attracts God’s Favor
If you're looking for God's favor, doing THIS is they key that attracts it. Business leaders and ministers Billy & Becky Epperhart share practical steps to apply your faith and see God bless you extravagantly.

God’s Word Activates Miracles: Praying Prayers that Release Heaven’s Power
God’s Word is a weapon in your mouth, giving you access into the throne of God. Senior pastor and prophetic voice Kerry Kirkwood teaches you how to speak the Word of God and see miracles activated and released!

When Prayers Seem Unanswered: The Unstoppable Power of Faith Revealed!
What do you do when your faith hasn’t moved any mountains? Teaching from Hebrews 11, international music ministers Charlie and Jill LeBlanc reveal what to do when your prayers get unanswered and how to stand in faith regardless of your situation.

Freedom from Demons: Aligning with Jesus’ Authority to Cast Out Spirits
In order to see complete freedom from demonic attack, you need to align yourself under God's authority. Evangelist, healing minister, and bestselling author David Diga Hernandez empowers you with practical tips to align yourself under God's power and authority so you can see demons forced to flee!

Your Key to Effective Prayer: Standing on the Power of His Covenant
Need breakthrough in your prayer? Drawing on biblical revelation for answered prayer, senior pastor Kerry Kirkwood reveals the practical key to see God transform your circumstances and experience Kingdom power.

Joyce Meyer: “This Wisdom and Insight is Invaluable for You and Others”
When experiencing hardship and difficulty, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. One of the world’s leading Bible teachers Joyce Meyer reveals life-changing insight that will strength your walk with God no matter the circumstances.

How to Unleash Your Corporate Superpower
Once you know your role in the Body of Christ, the Church becomes a corporate superpower unstoppable to the powers of darkness. Highly respected ministers and Bible teachers Joseph Z and Rick Renner sat down to discuss God’s plan to use the Church and obedient believers to break hell’s economy in these last days.

The Great Deception Revealed: Understanding the Signs of the Times!
There is a wave of deception coming, do you felt it? Renowned speaker and author David Hernandez exposes the “Great Deception” that looms over our world and teaches you how to find spiritual discernment in the signs of the times.

4 Basic Ways of Hearing God’s Voice
If you want to hear from God, you have to understand the 4 ways He speaks to you. Highly respected Bible teacher and minister Andrew Wommack reveals how you can hear from God every day and revolutionize your relationship with Him.

Walk in God’s Abundance Daily: How to Attract God’s Favor & Blessings
God’s favor will prepare a place where you can be fruitful and multiply with the kingdom work you are equipped to do. Ministers and business teachers Billy & Becky Epperhart teach you how to attract God supernatural and extravagant favor for the rest of your life.

Standing in Faith Despite Disappointment & Loss
What should we do when we experience disappointment? How do we stand in faith? Drawing from personal experience, international music ministers Charlie and Jill LeBlanc reveal how to restore your hope and faith in God through practical tips and examples.

How to Withdraw Blessings from Your Heavenly Account
Blessings are declaring the way God intends something to be—instead of saying what it appears to be at the moment. Pastor and author Kerry Kirkwood teaches you practical ways to access the currency of Heaven for blessings you can't contain.

Lance Wallnau: ‘This is a Treasure Map to Supernatural Favor’
Favor operates according to specific laws, releasing a cosmic power of divine attraction once set in motion. Recognized leader and prophetic voice Lance Wallnau leads you to the treasure map that will attract God's extravagant favor in your life.

Nebuchadnezzar: From Arrogant King to Worshiper of God
Once we’ve been touched by the power of God, a transformation occurs in our lives. Using the story of King Nebuchadnezzar, pastor and author Denise Renner illustrates that the Lord will stop at no bounds to change and transform the heart of man.

Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace
Did you know Jesus is interceding on your behalf? Bible teacher, pastor and apostle Rick Renner reveals how you can partner with our Advocate and see the thing you're believing for come to pass.

Overcome Your Testing: How Jesus Defeated Satan in the Wilderness
When you are going through the wilderness, you can follow Jesus' model. Cru minister and award-winning writer Christopher Lawrence calls you to overcome testing and adversity and walk into a new fullness.