Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times
Rick Renner
Activate Angels: The Secret of Voice Activation
There is only one way to engage angels on your behalf. Prophetic voice and Bible teacher Joseph Z teaches you how to activate and cooperate with angels so you can release these servants of fire and bring God’s will, plans, and purposes into fruition.
Why You Aren’t Experiencing Revival
Desiring for more of God, but aren't experiencing the great outpouring of His Spirit? International revival historian and Bible teacher Ron McIntosh uncovers the secret to ignite God's revival fire in your life.
7 Biblical Steps to Transform Your Mind
Philippians 4:6 commands us how to present our supplications and requests to God. Respected Bible teacher and leader Rick Renner reveals and teaches you how to defeat fear and worry no matter what your situation is. You have the victory!
Is America in Bible Prophecy?
In the church, there’s been much debate on America’s role in Bible Prophecy. Prophetic voice Joseph Z releases a powerful revelation about America’s role in Bible prophecy. PLUS a prophetic word about a “Springtime Intervention.”
The Cost of Total Healing
What happens when God’s power radically changes your life? Rick Renner, international Bible scholar and teacher, shows you how to claim your total healing!
Encountering the God of Abundance
Your Heavenly Father wants to bless you into overflow. Proliferate author and Bible teacher Andrew Wommack reveals God’s giving nature to bless you with more than enough—a God of Abundance!
The Last Move of God Has Already Started. Don’t Miss Out!
In the past, the great moves of God were focused on preachers, but God's doing a new thing. Senior pastor and minister Mark Cowart lays out strategies how you can join this last move of God before Jesus' return.
If Your Spirit’s Disturbed, Here’s What to Do
If you're feeling uneasy in your spirit, it's important to discern what God is trying to tell you. Rick Renner, internationally respected Bible teacher and bestselling author, reveals the scriptural importance of listening to your spirit and acting on the promptings of God.
Kathryn Kuhlman: ‘Healed by the Power of Holy Spirit’
Communion with the Holy Spirit unlocks the miraculous power of healing and miracles as shown in the powerful moves of God. Minister and revival historian Ron McIntosh shares first-hand experience of God’s power and shows you how to be empowered for His move today!
Asteroid Fallouts, World War 3 & The Antichrist: Exposing the Great Tribulation
Though Revelation describes asteroids, world wars, and the Antichrist, what does the Great Tribulation mean for YOU? Host of End of Days Update and Bible teacher Joseph Morris answers your tough questions about the Great Tribulation and what the future holds for you.
Discern the Season of Revival We’re in Right Now
Now, more than ever, we need a refreshing from the Lord. Revival historian and Bible teacher Ron McIntosh shares how to discern the season of revival we’re in now and how you can ignite that revival fire in your life today!
Last Days Anxiety? Confess This Peace from the Word
In Second Thessalonians 2:2, Paul warns about events that will occur right before the coming of the Lord. Internationally respected Bible teacher, pastor, and author Rick Renner reveals the secrets to living in peace during the final days before Jesus' return.
Stopping Demonic Forces that Unleashed on America
You are living in the last days―a season where God is pouring out His Spirit upon believers. Prophetic voice and minister Annette Capps reveals the key to stopping demonic forces that have been released on America.
Hearing from Jesus Every Day
Jesus is inviting you to wrap your heart into His. Daughter of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland shares how Jesus longs to become saturated by His presence as He speaks to you directly.
Ultimate Last Days Timeline: The Rapture, Tribulation, & Jesus’ Return
In His Word, God gave us His timeline for the return of Jesus. But it can be hard to understand. Internationally recognized Bible teachers Rick Renner and Joseph Z breakdown the ultimate, step-by-step timeline for the End Times.
Unlock Your Full Potential: 3 Practical Steps
God placed your potential inside you before you were even born. International director of Bill Winston Ministries and pastor David Winston teaches you 3 practical steps to release your God-given potential into the kingdom.
Confessing God’s Word Over Your Situation
Once you learn how to talk, God's power is released. Esteemed Bible teacher Norvel Hayes imparts practical tips to change your situation with the power of your tongue.
How to Find Peace that Surpasses All Understanding
Nothing compares to His powerful, protective, guarding peace. Rick Renner, internationally respected pastor, author, and teacher, shows you how to claim God’s unfailing promises of peace to you.
Shift Your Mindset From Victim to Victor
Are you living like a victim or a victor? Minister, preacher, and teacher Ginger Ziegler shows you how to manifesting victory and overcoming the victim mentality.
Unlock Deeper Intimacy with This Prayer
Once you grow closer to God, His power will be released! Bible teacher and healing evangelist Chad Gonzales empowers you with the prayer that Jesus used to access deep intimacy with God.