Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times
Rick Renner

This Vision of Hell Saved A Man’s Life. What Happens Next is Shocking!
When David McIver caught a haunting glimpse of hell, it propelled him to take a life-altering step. What happens next showcases the transformative power of listening to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and calls you to listen to that still, small voice.

5 Steps to Not Being Deceived: How to Interpret the Bible Correctly
The Bible is being twisted and ignored in our culture. Pastor and evangelist Parker Green takes on the terrifying trend of twisting God's Word, giving you 5 sure steps to not be deceived by false teachers.

$500,000 Miracle: This Man’s Unwavering Trust Unlocked God’s Provision, Here’s How You Can Too
Discover the cost of distrust and the rewards of wholeheartedly relying on God. Sharing from personal experience, David McIver, former baseball chaplain of the Minnesota Twins, reveals how your trust in God will open the windows of Heaven and pour out a blessing you can't contain.

Anticipating Heaven: What to Expect from Heaven
What will happen when you go to Heaven? Dr Larry Ollison, well-respected senior pastor and minister, reveals what the Bible teaches about Heaven and what you’ll see on the day you’re reunited with your Savior.

Discover Your New Nature
When you were born again, your nature changed. Bible teacher and minister Andrew Wommack reveals the importance of acting on this new nature to avoid falling Satan’s trap.

Words that Kill: Avoid These Words that Will Destroy Your Destiny
The tongue is an incredible weapon that has the power to produce great blessing or great destruction. CEO, author and conference speaker MiChelle Ferguson warns you about the danger of speaking certain words that can bring destruction and deprivation in your life, so you can guard your thought life and experience God's perfect will.

How to Trust God No Matter Your Circumstances
The promises of God are yes and amen, but they aren’t always tangible or visible when we want them to be. MiChelle Ferguson, conference speaker and international ministry CEO, reveals the secret to building your faith in God and releasing His promises over your life no matter what happens!

Christian Possession? Can Born Again Believers Be Demon Possessed?
Is Christian demon possession biblical? Drawing from the Bible and first hand experience as an evangelist and healing minister, David Diga Hernandez reveals the truth about Christian demon possession and what that means for you as a believer.

The Secret Place: Entering into His Presence Every Day
Want to hear God’s voice more than ever before? Kellie Copeland, daughter of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, shares her own life-changing heart journey of drawing closer to God and learning to discern His voice and promises for one's life.

Engaging the Unseen War with the Angels Fighting for You
Your entire life has been involved in an unseen cosmic war that began before time itself. Joseph Z, international prophetic voice and author, unveils the spiritual struggle between angels and demons, so you join your prayers with heaven and see God’s power in your life.

Father vs. Judge—The Truth About God
How do you see God: a quick-to-judge king or a pardoning King who loves His subjects? Pastor and author Daphne Delay reveals the heart of God so you can be changed from the inside out!

Nicole Crank: ‘Not Today Devil! I’m a Daughter of God!’
Like Eve, the devil wants to trick you into trading your God-given identity for a lie. International speaker, television host, and pastor Nicole Crank calls you to overcome the enemy's lies and take back your Kingdom identity as a daughter of God.

God’s Delivering Power is Yours!
No matter what difficulties you're facing, God has the power to deliver you! Internationally respected author, minister, and pastor Rick Renner encourages you to lean into God's promises so you can walk in freedom and peace today.

#1 Killer of Revival: Why God’s Outpourings Die Out
Often people wonder what is the #1 killer of revival. Revival historian, minister, and pastor Ron McIntosh uncovers the reason why revivals suffer from "burn out syndrome" and how avoiding this syndrome will allow you to experience God in a greater way.

Dr Oz: ‘Digestive Problems or Weak Immune System? Here’s the Key to Vibrant Health’
If you’re experiencing stomach or immune issues, there’s a simple way to supercharge your health. Bestselling authors and natural health experts Jordan Rubin and Josh Axe reveal the best way to see your health improve and experience a vibrant life.

If Your Spirit’s Disturbed, Here’s What to Do
If you're feeling uneasy in your spirit, it's important to discern what God is trying to tell you. Rick Renner, internationally respected Bible teacher and bestselling author, reveals the scriptural importance of listening to your spirit and acting on the promptings of God.

Discern the Season of Revival We’re in Right Now
Now, more than ever, we need a refreshing from the Lord. Revival historian and Bible teacher Ron McIntosh shares how to discern the season of revival we’re in now and how you can ignite that revival fire in your life today!

Ultimate Last Days Timeline: The Rapture, Tribulation, & Jesus’ Return
In His Word, God gave us His timeline for the return of Jesus. But it can be hard to understand. Internationally recognized Bible teachers Rick Renner and Joseph Z breakdown the ultimate, step-by-step timeline for the End Times.

How to Find Peace that Surpasses All Understanding
Nothing compares to His powerful, protective, guarding peace. Rick Renner, internationally respected pastor, author, and teacher, shows you how to claim God’s unfailing promises of peace to you.

Unlock Deeper Intimacy with This Prayer
Once you grow closer to God, His power will be released! Bible teacher and healing evangelist Chad Gonzales empowers you with the prayer that Jesus used to access deep intimacy with God.