Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times

Rick Renner

Discern Angels vs. Demons: Identifying Legitimate Encounters & Demonic Deceptions

Discern Angels vs. Demons: Identifying Legitimate Encounters & Demonic Deceptions

“Supernatural encounters do happen, but they must find a foundation in the written Bible.” Prophetic voice and Bible teacher Joseph Z exposes demonic doctrines and false encounters, revealing the truth behind legitimate Holy Spirit experiences.

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‘Get Behind Me, Devil!’ Using the Word of God to Silence the Spirit of Mammon

‘Get Behind Me, Devil!’ Using the Word of God to Silence the Spirit of Mammon

No matter what lies the devil throws at you, the Word of God gives promises that trump all of them! International speaker, author, and ministry leader Ashley Terradez teaches you how to recognize and silence the spirit of mammon in your life, allowing you to walk in financial freedom.

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The Word & Prophecy: How to Balance the Supernatural with Scripture

The Word & Prophecy: How to Balance the Supernatural with Scripture

“What begins as a legitimate revelation or experiential encounter can result in individuals going off and doing something presumptuously, unless there is a foundation.” Internationally recognized prophetic voice and Bible teacher Joseph Z teaches you how to balance the Word and revelation from the Holy Spirit.

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The Devil’s Anointing: How to Recognize the False Anointing that Mimics the Holy Spirit

The Devil’s Anointing: How to Recognize the False Anointing that Mimics the Holy Spirit

“This whole idea of a false anointing is dangerous territory and of great concern, as it can create a snowball effect.” Internationally recognized prophetic voice and Bible teacher Joseph Z exposes how to recognize false giftings and demonic deceptions so you can stand firm against the enemy’s lies.

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