Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times
Rick Renner

Can Christians Be Possessed?
“I want to debunk the biggest myth in the modern church: that Christians can’t have demons.” Minister and pastor Donna Howells dives into the biblical truth on deliverance, addressing spiritual oppression even among believers.

Partner with Angels: How to Release the Word & See Heaven Move!
God is calling you to partner with his angels in these critical times. Internationally recognized prophetic voice Joseph Z joins host of Flashpoint Gene Bailey, equipping you with biblical strategies to join Heaven’s army and see God move on your behalf.

Discern Angels vs. Demons: Identifying Legitimate Encounters & Demonic Deceptions
“Supernatural encounters do happen, but they must find a foundation in the written Bible.” Prophetic voice and Bible teacher Joseph Z exposes demonic doctrines and false encounters, revealing the truth behind legitimate Holy Spirit experiences.

‘Get Behind Me, Devil!’ Using the Word of God to Silence the Spirit of Mammon
No matter what lies the devil throws at you, the Word of God gives promises that trump all of them! International speaker, author, and ministry leader Ashley Terradez teaches you how to recognize and silence the spirit of mammon in your life, allowing you to walk in financial freedom.

Cancel Godless Attacks on Our Nation: Your Battle Plan to Rally Against Darkness
Throughout the Bible, God’s faithful have drawn lines to take stands or step up into action. Gene and Teri Bailey equip you to pinpoint the attacks on our nation and partner with God to stop the tsunami of darkness!

Operate in the Gifts of the Spirit: Answering God’s Call to Engage in His Fullness
“When Jesus left this earth and ascended into Heaven, he did not leave believers helpless.” Minister and former dean of Rhema Bible Training College Tony Cooke teaches you how to operate in the gifts of the Spirit, calling you to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Entitlement, Disobedience & Disrespect: The Signs of the End Times
“Today society is filled with people who are ruled by a sense of entitlement.” Bestselling author, Bible scholar, and pastor Rick Renner exposes society’s entitled and disobedient spirit so you can discern the signs of the times.

The Word & Prophecy: How to Balance the Supernatural with Scripture
“What begins as a legitimate revelation or experiential encounter can result in individuals going off and doing something presumptuously, unless there is a foundation.” Internationally recognized prophetic voice and Bible teacher Joseph Z teaches you how to balance the Word and revelation from the Holy Spirit.

Embrace Your Kingdom Identity NOW!
God never desired a religion. He sought a personal relationship with you! #1 USA Today bestselling author and Bible teacher Myles Munroe reveals how to rediscover the Kingdom of God and how you can step into your role as co-heirs with Jesus!

End Times Prophetic Update
How do recent geopolitical developments align with biblical prophecies? Bible teacher and end times expert Joseph Morris unveils the birth pains that Jesus described in Matthew 24, signaling the imminent return of Jesus!

Urgent Prophetic Word for America
Drawing from recent prophetic insights, Joseph Z unpacks critical prophetic revelations and provides a roadmap for navigating the days ahead. This message will shed light on your role in America’s end-times destiny.

Make the Devil Tremble! How to Stand Against Evil, Demons & The Occult
No matter what demonic strategy may come against you, you never have to go down defeated! Internationally respected Bible teacher, apostle, and pastor Rick Renner empowers you with powerful insights to defeat demons and occultic forces.

Faith-Filled Words: Releasing the Power of God’s Spirit
“Faith is not a subject as much as it is a result of knowing God and walking with Him.” International Bible teacher Barry Bennett reveals the true power of faith and how to release the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Devil’s Anointing: How to Recognize the False Anointing that Mimics the Holy Spirit
“This whole idea of a false anointing is dangerous territory and of great concern, as it can create a snowball effect.” Internationally recognized prophetic voice and Bible teacher Joseph Z exposes how to recognize false giftings and demonic deceptions so you can stand firm against the enemy’s lies.

Dreams & Visions: Wisdom on Hearing God’s Prophetic Words
“Prayer is essential to fulfilling your vision.” Internationally recognized and respected Bible teacher, apostle, and pastor Rick Renner empowers you with timely wisdom on how to see the dreams and visions that God has for you come to life!

Blessings Multiplied! Tapping into the Abundance of God’s Overflow
“Through the Word, we can glean a tremendous revelation of what the blessing of God means.” International Bible teacher Barry Bennett teaches you how to receive all the blessings provided to you through God’s abundant favor.

4 Types of Prophets: How the Holy Spirit Speaks to Each Calling
“Prophets are also called to a segment of the body of Christ or a specific territory.” Internationally respected prophetic voice, Bible teacher, and broadcaster Joseph Z reveals the full spectrum of prophetic assignments so you can cut through the widespread error, controversy, and deception.

Why Do We Pray?
When we ask God to move in our life, is that biblically? Renowned theologian, Christian thinker, and apologist C. S. Lewis defends petitionary prayer, arguing that it's a meaningful and necessary expression of faith.

Born into Favor: Accessing the Benefits of God’s Kingdom & Transforming Your Situation
As a son or daughter of the Most High King, you are a citizen is part of an elite, privileged group. #1 USA Today bestselling author and pastor Myles Munroe reveals the benefits of your Kingdom resources so you can impact your situation with God’s abundance.

4 Ways Fresh Fire Transforms Your Spirit: How to Walk in Last Days Power
“The power of the Spirit is called for in times of crisis, compromise, and opportunity.” Nationally acclaimed evangelist Mario Murillo uncovers the four defining traits that emerge when the Holy Spirit falls on you.